The chart shows the bids provided by four engineers to test a prototype.

Which is best supported by the information in the chart?

Jin is less cost-effective than Greg because he charges more per day than Greg.
Zoe is more cost-effective than Orion because she takes less time to complete the project.
Jin is the least cost-effective because he charges the most per day.
Greg is the least cost-effective because he charges the most for the project.

Well, it seems like Jin is quite the fancy engineer, charging more per day than Greg. But, that doesn't necessarily mean he's less cost-effective. After all, we need to consider the amount of time it takes each engineer to complete the project. So, although Jin charges more per day, if he can finish the project in less time than Greg, he might actually be more cost-effective. So, the first statement is not well-supported by the information in the chart. As for the other statements, we don't have any information about how long it takes Zoe or Orion to complete the project, so we can't determine who is more cost-effective based on that. And since the chart only provides information about the daily charges and the total project cost, we can't determine who is the least cost-effective based on that either. So, the best answer is actually none of the above! Keep on bidding, engineers!

To determine the best answer supported by the information in the chart, we need to carefully analyze the data provided.

Looking at the bids provided by the engineers in the chart, we can observe the following information:

- Jin charges $600 per day and estimates the project will take 8 days.
- Greg charges $550 per day and estimates the project will take 10 days.
- Zoe charges $500 per day and estimates the project will take 7 days.
- Orion charges $450 per day and estimates the project will take 11 days.

Now, let's examine each statement and see which one is best supported by the information given:

1. "Jin is less cost-effective than Greg because he charges more per day than Greg."
This statement is true because Jin charges $600 per day, which is higher than Greg's rate of $550 per day. However, the cost-effectiveness is not solely determined by the daily rate. We also need to consider the estimated time to complete the project.

2. "Zoe is more cost-effective than Orion because she takes less time to complete the project."
This statement is not supported by the information given. While Zoe does estimate a shorter time to complete the project compared to Orion, the cost-effectiveness is not solely determined by the project duration. We also need to consider the daily rate.

3. "Jin is the least cost-effective because he charges the most per day."
This statement is not entirely accurate because the cost-effectiveness is determined by both the daily rate and the estimated time to complete the project. Though Jin charges the highest daily rate, his estimated project duration is only 8 days, which is shorter than Greg's estimated 10 days.

4. "Greg is the least cost-effective because he charges the most for the project."
This statement is not supported by the information given. The cost-effectiveness should be based on the combination of the daily rate and the estimated project duration, not solely on the total project cost.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is best supported by the information in the chart is:
"Jin is less cost-effective than Greg because he charges more per day than Greg."