By studying the bones and teeth of the mastodon remains found on the Manis farm, what were scientists able to prove?

C. The mastodon lived at the end of the last ice age when the glaciers were retreating.

What was the significance of the bone needle found at the Marmes farm?
B. It demonstrated that ancient people living in Washington were skilled in making tools.

A. They were specially designed to be attached to spear shafts.

B. They hunted large game animals.

A. a spear point in the mastodon's rib

All 5 I hope they are correct

They are

Thank you so much they are all right.

1. A. Because they believe he is an ancestor, they want to give him a proper burial.

2. C. Congress passed this law in an effort to right the wrongs done to Native American culture. and D. Native American cultural items must be returned to their tribe of origin.
3. A. The remains are the oldest human remains ever found in North America. and E. The discovery proved that humans lived in North America 9,000 years ago.
Those are the correct answers.

Can someone please help me with this question?

Why did Native American tribes want to bury the remains of Kennewick Man rather than allow them to be studied by scientists?
A. Because they believe he is an ancestor, they want to give him a proper burial.
B. Because they believe he is an ancestor, they want to use the remains in religious ceremonies.
C. They believe that scientists will profit from displaying the remains.
D. They want to build a museum around the burial site to raise funds.

Honestly a bit surprised that they haven't changed some of the questions and answers after a whole year, but anyway ; ) is still 100% correct

;) is correct

Not only is it accurate after a year, but still 100 percent accurate after two years!

; )'s answers are still correct

To determine what scientists were able to prove by studying the bones and teeth of the mastodon remains found on the Manis farm, we need to examine the options given:

C. The mastodon lived at the end of the last ice age when the glaciers were retreating.

To arrive at this conclusion, scientists likely studied the age of the remains and compared it to the known timeline of the last ice age. They could have used methods such as carbon dating or analyzing the layers of sediment in which the remains were found.

Now let's move on to the significance of the bone needle found at the Marmes farm:

B. It demonstrated that ancient people living in Washington were skilled in making tools.

The bone needle's significance lies in the fact that it shows the ancient people in Washington had the ability to create tools out of bones. This suggests a certain level of skill and knowledge about manufacturing techniques among the ancient population.

In summary, the correct answers are C for the first question and B for the second question.