Can u do a thing for lesson 9 math 7 b unit 2 it has 17 questiobs and it's hard the first is David drew triangle pqr as shown if qpr measures 135° which statement is true for pqr and prq plz help me I'm failing school and I come here to check my work now😐😐😐

hard to say. If PQR is isosceles, then each of the two base angles is (180-135)/2 degrees.

Of course, I can help you with your math problem.

Based on the information given, we have triangle PQR where angle QPR measures 135°. And we need to determine which statement is true for triangle PQR and triangle PRQ.

To find the answer, we need to understand the relationship between the angles in a triangle. The sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180°.

Let's analyze the options:

1. Triangle PQR and triangle PRQ are congruent: Congruent triangles have exactly the same shape and size, which means all corresponding angles and sides are equal. We cannot determine if the two triangles are congruent based on the given information, so this statement is not necessarily true.

2. Triangle PQR is an obtuse triangle: An obtuse triangle is a triangle that has one angle measuring greater than 90°. Since angle QPR measures 135°, it is greater than 90°, so triangle PQR is indeed an obtuse triangle. This statement is true.

3. Triangle PRQ is an acute triangle: An acute triangle is a triangle that has all three angles measuring less than 90°. Since we know that angle QPR measures 135°, angle PRQ must be less than 90°. Therefore, triangle PRQ is an acute triangle. This statement is also true.

Based on the given information, both statements 2 and 3 are true for triangle PQR and triangle PRQ.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your math question! To determine which statement is true for triangle PQR and angle PRQ, we first need to understand the given information. Triangle PQR is shown with angle QPR measuring 135°.

To find the true statement for triangle PQR and angle PRQ, we need to consider the relationships between angles in a triangle. In a triangle, the sum of all angles is always 180°. Therefore, we can find the measure of angle PRQ by subtracting the measure of angle QPR from 180°.

Let's calculate the measure of angle PRQ:
Measure of angle PRQ = 180° - Measure of angle QPR
Measure of angle PRQ = 180° - 135°
Measure of angle PRQ = 45°

Now that we know angle PRQ measures 45°, we can compare the angles in triangle PQR and determine the true statement. The two angles we need to compare are angle PQR (angle measures not given) and angle PRQ (measured as 45°).

Here are the possible statements:
1. Angle PQR = Angle PRQ: This statement is false because the measures of these two angles are not provided, and therefore, we cannot say they are equal.
2. Angle PQR > Angle PRQ: This statement is also false because we don't know the measure of angle PQR.
3. Angle PQR < Angle PRQ: This statement is true because we know that angle PRQ measures 45°, which is less than angle PQR (though we don't have the exact measure).

So, the true statement is that angle PQR is greater than angle PRQ (option 2).

Remember, it's always important to carefully read and understand the given information to solve math problems accurately. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!