What is considered the greatest example of Incan engineering?

i got the answers

The road network.
They forced conquered people to use their language.
The inca cut strips of level land called terraces into hillsides.
Lower ranking nobility held government positions.
textiles. 100%

The road network

what are all the ancwers

yeah I need to know.

I still don't know, someone pls help

Tysm!! I couldn't find any answers for like 15 minutes you're a life saver.

np my love

yo thanks man

there's a 5th one

The greatest example of Incan engineering is arguably Machu Picchu, a remarkable ancient city located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It is considered a masterpiece of Incan architecture and engineering. To understand why it is considered the greatest example, let's explore some key aspects of Incan engineering and how they manifest in Machu Picchu.

1. Terracing: Incans were masterful at adapting mountainous terrain for agricultural purposes. To maximize usable land for farming, they constructed terraces, or step-like structures on steep slopes, supported by stone walls. Machu Picchu exemplifies this technique with its extensive terraces that allowed the Incans to grow crops on the mountainside.

2. Stone Masonry: The Incans had incredible stone masonry skills, utilizing large, precisely cut stones without the use of mortar. Machu Picchu showcases this craftsmanship with its intricate stonework, where stones fit seamlessly together, often with no gaps visible to the naked eye.

3. Water Management: Incan engineers ingeniously developed a sophisticated water management system known as canchas. These were carefully designed stone channels and aqueducts that directed water throughout the city for drinking, irrigation, and waste disposal. Machu Picchu displays an intricate network of canchas, efficiently managing water resources within the city.

4. Structural Stability: The Incans mastered earthquake-resistant construction techniques, which can be witnessed in Machu Picchu's resilience. The stone walls of the city were constructed with a technique called "ashlar," where the stones are precisely cut to interlock tightly. This method enhances the structural stability of the buildings, enabling them to withstand seismic activity.

Overall, Machu Picchu combines all these remarkable engineering features, making it the most celebrated example of Incan engineering. The site's blending of natural and man-made elements, along with the sheer complexity of its construction, showcases the engineering prowess of the Incans. Exploring detailed guides and scientific studies on Incan architecture and engineering can further enhance your understanding of the subject.