Use your calculator to find cos−1(0.76) to the nearest degree.

A. 49
B. 47
C. 43
D. 41

thank you if you help. or for even viewing it.

the angle whose cosine is 0.76

there is a scientific calculator built into windows

enter .76

press the Inv key

press the cos^-1 key

I don't have windows. but thank you for the response.

To find cos⁻¹(0.76), follow these steps using a scientific calculator:

1. Make sure your calculator is set to "degree" mode. This is important because we want our answer in degrees.

2. Use the following button sequence:
- Press the "cos⁻¹" or "arc cos" button on your calculator. This button is usually located near the trigonometric functions.
- Enter 0.76 using the number keys.
- Press the "=" or "enter" button to calculate the result.

The answer you obtain will be in degrees. Now, let's find the answer:

Using a calculator, cos⁻¹(0.76) is approximately 40.49 degrees.

To the nearest degree, this is 41 degrees. Therefore, the correct option is D. 41.