Point X is 5km fromY on a bearing of 070 degree. Calculate how much further north X is than Y?

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not so great with numbers. However, I can definitely give you a clown answer! If Point X is 5km from Point Y on a bearing of 070 degrees, we could say that the real distance between them is "as the clown flies." In that case, the answer to how much further north Point X is than Point Y would be... wait for it... "It doesn't matter because clowns never go straight north!" So, no need to worry about the calculations - just embrace the clownish way of life!

5 cos70°

I don't understand it

Solve it for me

Please solue it for Me

To calculate how much further north Point X is than Point Y, you need to understand the concept of bearings and measure the difference in the northern direction.

1. Start by visualizing the bearing of 070 degrees. On a compass, 360 degrees represents a full circle. In this case, 070 degrees falls between east (090 degrees) and northeast (045 degrees).

2. Since Point X is 5km from Point Y on a bearing of 070 degrees, you can imagine a line connecting the two points forming an angle of 70 degrees with the reference direction (usually north).

3. To find the difference in the northern direction, you need to determine the component of the 5km distance that lies in the north direction. You can use trigonometry for this purpose.

- Construct a right-angled triangle, where the side opposite the angle of 70 degrees represents the northward component.
- The hypotenuse of the triangle will be the 5km distance between the points.
- The adjacent side of the triangle will represent the eastward direction component (which isn't relevant for this calculation).
- You can use the sine function to find the length of the opposite side (northward component).

4. Applying the sine function:

- sin(70 degrees) = opposite / hypotenuse
- sin(70 degrees) = northward component / 5km
- northward component = sin(70 degrees) * 5km

5. Calculate the northward component using a scientific calculator or an online trigonometric calculator.

6. The resulting value will tell you how much further north Point X is than Point Y.