If the local time of a place x is 12 noon when the GMT is 5am on what longitude is x located

To determine the longitude of place x, we need to calculate the time difference between the local time and GMT.

Given that the local time of place x is 12 noon when GMT is 5 am, the time difference is 7 hours ahead of GMT.

Since each hour corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude, we can find the longitude of place x by multiplying the time difference by 15.

Longitude of place x = 7 hours * 15 degrees/hour = 105 degrees

Therefore, place x is located at a longitude of 105 degrees.

To determine the longitude of a place based on the local time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you need to calculate the time difference between the two.

In this scenario, we are given that the local time of place x is 12 noon when the GMT is 5 am.

The time difference between the local time and GMT is 7 hours (12 noon - 5 am = 7 hours).

Next, we need to convert this time difference into longitude. To do this, we divide the time difference by 15° since the Earth completes a full rotation of 360° in 24 hours (24 hours / 360° = 1 hour / 15°).

So, 7 hours / 15° equals approximately 0.47°.

Therefore, the longitude of place x would be approximately 0.47°, assuming the GMT is at 0° longitude. Note that this is just an approximate calculation, as there are factors like daylight saving time, regional time zones, and the Earth's tilt that can affect the actual longitude calculation.

Pls help with the question, thanks. Umukoro
