The event that reveals the conflict that needs to be resolved in the story.

The event that reveals the conflict in a story is known as the inciting incident. It is a crucial moment that sets the plot in motion and usually occurs early on in the story. The inciting incident introduces a problem or dilemma that the main character must address or resolve.

To identify the inciting incident, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or analyze the story: To understand the conflict, you need to have a clear understanding of the overall plot. Read the story carefully, paying attention to the key events and character motivations.

2. Look for a disruption or disturbance: The inciting incident often occurs when something disrupts the normal routine or equilibrium of the protagonist's life. It could be an unexpected event, a shocking revelation, or a sudden change in circumstances.

3. Identify the central conflict: The inciting incident should reveal the main conflict or problem that the protagonist will face throughout the story. This conflict could be internal (within the character's mind or emotions) or external (with other characters, society, or nature).

4. Consider the impact on the character: The inciting incident should have a significant impact on the main character, forcing them to take action or make important decisions. It should create a sense of urgency or desperation that drives the plot forward.

By closely examining the story and focusing on these key elements, you can identify the event that reveals the conflict and sets the stage for the rest of the narrative.