Sharks swim at about a constant speed of 25 miles/hour. A shark is in Santa Monica and wants to swim to the cooler waters of Santa Barbra. The distance between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara is 100 miles. How long the trip will take?


To calculate the time it takes for the shark to swim from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed.

Given that the distance between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara is 100 miles and the speed of the shark is 25 miles/hour, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 100 miles / 25 miles/hour

Simplifying the expression, we have:

Time = 4 hours

Therefore, it will take the shark approximately 4 hours to swim from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara.

To determine how long the trip will take, we need to divide the total distance between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara by the constant speed of the shark.

The distance between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara is 100 miles, and the shark swims at a constant speed of 25 miles/hour.

To find the time it takes, we divide the distance by the speed:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 100 miles / 25 miles/hour

Time = 4 hours

Therefore, the trip will take approximately 4 hours for the shark to swim from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara.

if distance = rate * time, then

time = distance/rate

you know both numbers, go for it