Toronto is about 50.0 km from Ajax. A freight train starts out from Ajax for Toronto at 50.0 km/h. At the same time, a passenger train leaves Toronto for Ajax at 75 km/h. How much time passes before they meet one another, in minutes?

50/(50+75) * 60 = ___ minutes

To find out how much time passes before the two trains meet, we can use the concept of relative motion. Since the two trains are moving towards each other, their speeds will add up.

First, let's convert the speeds from km/h to km/min to make the calculation easier. There are 60 minutes in an hour.

The freight train is traveling at 50.0 km/h, which is equal to 50.0/60 = 0.8333 km/min.
The passenger train is traveling at 75 km/h, which is equal to 75/60 = 1.25 km/min.

Since the two trains are moving towards each other, their combined speed is the sum of their individual speeds:
Combined speed = 0.8333 km/min + 1.25 km/min = 2.0833 km/min.

To find the time it takes for the trains to meet, we need to determine the distance they cover in that time. The total distance between them is given as 50.0 km.

Using the formula: Distance = Speed × Time, we can rearrange the formula to solve for time:
Time = Distance / Speed.

Time = 50.0 km / 2.0833 km/min = 24 minutes (approximately).

Therefore, it will take approximately 24 minutes for the two trains to meet.