Every day a zookeeper feeds 4 adults gorillas a total of 160 lb of food. At this rate, how many pounds of food would the zookeeper need every day to feed 6 adult gorillas?

(160 / 4) * 6


To find out how many pounds of food the zookeeper would need to feed 6 adult gorillas, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

Let's say x represents the number of pounds of food needed to feed 6 adult gorillas.

We know that 4 adult gorillas are fed 160 lb of food, so we can set up the proportion:

4 adult gorillas / 160 lb = 6 adult gorillas / x lb

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

4 adult gorillas * x lb = 6 adult gorillas * 160 lb

Now we can simplify:

4x = 6 * 160

4x = 960

To solve for x, we divide both sides by 4:

x = 960 / 4

x = 240

Therefore, the zookeeper would need 240 pounds of food every day to feed 6 adult gorillas.