Which of the following nets cannot be used to make a cube?

No nets shown.

To determine which of the following nets cannot be used to make a cube, we first need to understand what a net is and how it relates to a cube.

A net is a 2D representation of a 3D object that can be folded to form the object. In the case of a cube, a net consists of six square faces that are connected by tabs and flaps.

Here are the possibilities for the net options:

1. A square with an X inside: This net can be used to make a cube by folding along the lines and connecting the tabs.

2. A square with diagonal lines: This net can also be used to make a cube by folding along the lines and connecting the tabs.

3. A square with perpendicular lines: This net can be used to make a cube as well, by folding along the lines and connecting the tabs.

4. A square with parallel lines: This net can be used to make a cube by folding along the lines and connecting the tabs.

Therefore, all of the given nets can be used to make a cube.