–125 ÷ –5 = ?

A. –23
B. –25
C. 23
D. 25
Plz helpppp

I meant 25

The answer is D -25

whew, yes

To solve the expression –125 ÷ –5, you need to divide -125 by -5. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by writing down the division expression: –125 ÷ –5.
2. To divide a negative number by a negative number, convert it to a positive number. So, we rewrite the expression as 125 ÷ 5.
3. Divide 125 by 5. The quotient is 25.
4. Since we initially converted the negative signs to positive signs, the final answer is also positive.
Therefore, –125 ÷ –5 = 25.

So, the correct answer is D. 25.