Design a program to input the prices of two items as well as the quantities purchased and

compute the amount of the sale. Use both pseudo code and flowchart diagrams.

read price, quantity

sale = price * quantity

Sure! I can help you with that.

First, let's write the pseudo code for the program:

1. Start the program.
2. Prompt the user to enter the price of the first item.
3. Read and store the price of the first item.
4. Prompt the user to enter the quantity purchased for the first item.
5. Read and store the quantity purchased for the first item.
6. Prompt the user to enter the price of the second item.
7. Read and store the price of the second item.
8. Prompt the user to enter the quantity purchased for the second item.
9. Read and store the quantity purchased for the second item.
10. Compute the amount of the sale by multiplying the price of each item with its corresponding quantity purchased and adding them together.
11. Display the amount of the sale.
12. End the program.

Now, let's create a flowchart diagram for the program:

| Start the program |
| Prompt for first item price |
| Read and store first item |
| price |
|Prompt for first item quantity |
| Read and store first item |
| quantity purchased |
|Prompt for second item price |
| Read and store second item |
| price |
|Prompt for second item quantity|
| Read and store second item |
| quantity purchased |
| Compute amount of the sale |
| by multiplying prices and |
| quantities of the items |
| Display amount of sale |
| End the program |

That's it! You now have the pseudo code and the flowchart diagram for the program to input prices of two items and compute the amount of the sale.