How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 32 minutes ago it was three times as many minutes past 9 am?

Thanks for your help

9 to 12 is 3 hr , 180 min

m + 32 = 180 / 4

Let's break down the information given:

We know that 32 minutes ago, it was three times as many minutes past 9 am.

So, if T represents the number of minutes past 9 am 32 minutes ago, we have:

T = 3T

Simplifying this equation, we find that T = 0.

Therefore, 32 minutes ago, it was 0 minutes past 9 am.

Now, we need to determine how many minutes are left until 12 noon.

Between 9 am and 12 noon, there are 3 hours, which is equal to 180 minutes.

Since 32 minutes have already passed, the remaining time until 12 noon is 180 - 32 = 148 minutes.

Therefore, there are 148 minutes left until 12 noon.

To solve this problem, we need to break it down step by step.

Let's first set up the problem with variables:

Let x be the number of minutes before 12 noon.
32 minutes ago, it was x + 32 minutes before 12 noon.

According to the problem, 32 minutes ago, it was three times as many minutes past 9 am, which means:

x + 32 = 3 * (60 – 9)

Here we subtract 9 from 60 because 9 am is 9 hours after midnight, and there are 60 minutes in an hour.

We can solve this equation to find the value of x:

x + 32 = 3 * 51
x + 32 = 153
x = 153 - 32
x = 121

Therefore, there are 121 minutes before 12 noon.