There are six options on the dessert menu at a restaurant. Tina and Paula like all of the choices equally, so they each choose a dessert at random. What is the probability that Erin will choose apple pie and Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake? Express your answer as a decimal. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest thousandth.

assuming that both apple and strawberry are among the choices, then

1/6 * 1/6 = ____
It's just like rolling a number cube twice.

To find the probability that Erin will choose apple pie and Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

There are 6 options on the dessert menu, so each person has 6 choices.

The total number of possible outcomes is found by multiplying the number of options for each person: 6 * 6 = 36.

Since Tina and Paula each choose at random, the probability that Erin will choose apple pie is 1 out of 6, or 1/6.

Similarly, the probability that Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake is 1 out of 6, or 1/6.

To find the probability of both events happening, we multiply the probabilities together: (1/6) * (1/6) = 1/36.

Therefore, the probability that Erin will choose apple pie and Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake is 1/36.

Expressing this as a decimal gives us approximately 0.028 or 0.02857 rounded to the nearest thousandth.

To find the probability that Erin will choose apple pie and Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

Since there are six options on the dessert menu, Tina and Paula each have six choices. Therefore, the total number of possible outcomes for their choices is 6 * 6 = 36.

To calculate the number of favorable outcomes, we need to determine the number of ways Erin can choose apple pie and Ellen can choose strawberry cheesecake. Since Tina and Paula like all the choices equally, Erin can choose apple pie in one way, and Ellen can choose strawberry cheesecake in one way as well.

Thus, the number of favorable outcomes is 1 * 1 = 1.

The probability is given by the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total number of possible outcomes:

Probability = Number of Favorable Outcomes / Total Number of Possible Outcomes

Probability = 1 / 36 =~ 0.028 (rounded to the nearest thousandth)

Therefore, the probability that Erin will choose apple pie and Ellen will choose strawberry cheesecake is approximately 0.028.