Two angles of a quadrilateral measure 325° and 10°. The other two angles are in a ratio of 2:3. What are the measures of those two angles?

325 + 10 + 2x + 3x = 360

solve for x, and the angles are 2x and 3x

10 and 15

To find the measures of the other two angles, we need to determine the ratio between them.

Let's assume the measures of the other two angles are 2x and 3x, where x is a common factor.

In a quadrilateral, the sum of all the angles is always 360 degrees. Therefore, we can set up an equation to solve for x:

325° + 10° + 2x + 3x = 360°

Combine like terms:

335° + 5x = 360°

Subtract 335° from both sides of the equation:

5x = 360° - 335°

5x = 25°

Divide both sides by 5:

x = 5°

Now that we know the value of x, we can find the measures of the other two angles:

2x = 2(5°) = 10°

3x = 3(5°) = 15°

Therefore, the measures of the other two angles are 10° and 15°.