know that 6x+16 is =49

how do i find x though, I know what the equation is supposed to equal 49, but how would I find x, this stuff always confuses me

I posted again because last time i posted in the wrong topic and wanted to fix it :/

ignore this i already got an answer, sorry for reposting.

that's why it is useless to be impatient and start reposting questions.

When someone sees it and can help, they will.
Until then, repeating the query does nothing but waste your time and ours.

yeah i got that already, i just wanted to fix the topic it was in.

and a lot of questions do remain unanswered, and by the time they are, its not relevant anymore

To find the value of x in the equation 6x + 16 = 49, you need to isolate x on one side of the equation. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve it:

Step 1: Subtract 16 from both sides of the equation to move the constant term to the other side:
6x + 16 - 16 = 49 - 16
This simplifies to:
6x = 33

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for x:
(6x)/6 = 33/6
This simplifies to:
x = 5.5

So, the value of x that satisfies the equation 6x + 16 = 49 is x = 5.5.