edgar allen poe uses a pair of rhyming words to describe trying to hold sand in "a dream within a dream". in a short paragraph tell what the words are and how they express the speakers feelings. please tell me the whole sort paragraph i suck.

sorry i ment languge

Certainly! In "A Dream Within a Dream," Edgar Allan Poe uses the pair of rhyming words "grains" and "sands" to describe the act of trying to hold onto something as fine and ephemeral as sand. The speaker's feelings of frustration and helplessness are expressed through these words. The repetition of the rhyming words emphasizes the fleeting nature of dreams and represents the speaker's struggle to maintain control over something as intangible as a dream or reality itself. By comparing dreams to grains of sand slipping through their fingers, the speaker conveys a sense of despair and the impossibility of grasping onto something transient.

and this is algebra how?