Which of the following generalizations best describes Justinian’s impact?

A. He instituted political changes that contributed to a functioning government.

B. He instituted social changes that improved the lives for Roman citizens throughout the empire. *****

C. He instituted military changes that promoted sharing power among the ranks.

D. He instituted legal changes that guided society, and those ideas spread to other parts of Europe.

( I think it might be B but I honestly need help)

Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora made many great achievements to benefit the good of man. These achievements stayed with people throughout the past and even into modern times. In the field of law, Justinian created a set of laws called the Justinian Code.

The correct answer is B. Justinian's impact can be best described as instituting social changes that improved the lives for Roman citizens throughout the empire. During his reign as Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Justinian implemented numerous reforms that aimed to improve various aspects of society, such as laws, education, and the overall living conditions for the citizens. These changes had a lasting impact and contributed to the stability and advancement of the empire.

To determine the best answer, we need to consider Justinian's impact and evaluate each option. One effective way to approach this is by eliminating options based on historical knowledge and analyzing the remaining choices.

Option A suggests that Justinian instituted political changes that contributed to a functioning government. Justinian indeed made significant political changes during his reign as Byzantine Emperor, such as implementing administrative reforms, strengthening the central authority, and reorganizing the legal system. However, this generalization alone does not fully capture the extent of Justinian's impact, so it may not be the best answer.

Option B suggests that Justinian instituted social changes that improved the lives for Roman citizens throughout the empire. This generalization aligns with the historical context of Justinian's reign. He implemented various social reforms, including initiatives to improve education, regulate the economy, and provide assistance to the poor. These reforms aimed to enhance the well-being of Roman citizens, making option B a plausible answer.

Option C suggests that Justinian instituted military changes that promoted power-sharing among the ranks. While Justinian did possess an active military and implemented certain military reforms, power-sharing among the ranks was not a prominent feature of his reign. Thus, option C is less likely to be the best answer.

Option D suggests that Justinian instituted legal changes that guided society, and those ideas spread to other parts of Europe. This generalization accurately represents Justinian's major accomplishment, which was the codification and refinement of Roman laws. His legal reforms resulted in the Corpus Juris Civilis, a comprehensive legal code that had a significant influence on the development of law in Europe. Consequently, option D is a plausible answer.

Considering all the options, option B (He instituted social changes that improved the lives for Roman citizens throughout the empire) appears to best describe Justinian's impact since it encompasses his social reforms and prioritization of citizens' well-being. However, keep in mind that historical interpretations can vary, and it is essential to consider multiple perspectives and sources.