The Law of Universal Gravitation states that

A. the force of gravity acts between none of the objects in the universe.

B. the force of gravity only acts between the sun and the planets.

C. the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe

D. the force of gravity is an illusion.


Newton's law of universal gravitation states that a particle attracts every other particle in the universe using a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The correct option is C. The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe. It is not limited to just the sun and planets, but extends to all objects that have mass. This gravitational force is what causes objects to be attracted to each other and gives rise to phenomena such as the motion of the planets around the sun and the falling of objects on Earth.

The Law of Universal Gravitation states that the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of gravity and how it affects objects in space.

Gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It is responsible for holding planets in orbit around the sun, for objects falling to the ground, and for the motion of celestial bodies in general.

The Law of Universal Gravitation, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687, states that every object with mass exerts a gravitational force on every other object with mass. This means that the force of gravity is not limited to just the sun and the planets, but it extends to all objects in the universe.

To determine which option accurately represents the Law of Universal Gravitation, we can eliminate options A, B, and D. Option A, which states that the force of gravity acts between none of the objects in the universe, contradicts the basic principles of gravity. Option B, the force of gravity only acting between the sun and the planets, is too limited in scope. Option D, stating that the force of gravity is an illusion, is incorrect because gravity is an observed phenomenon and can be measured.

Therefore, the correct answer is C: the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe.