The sum of 22 and Mai's score is 65.

Use the variable m to represent Mai's score

22 times 65 =1430

"sum" means you add

22+m = 65

To represent Mai's score using the variable m, we can write the equation as:

22 + m = 65

To solve this problem, we need to represent Mai's score using a variable.

Let's use the variable m to represent Mai's score.

According to the problem, the sum of 22 and Mai's score is 65.

We can write this as an equation:

22 + m = 65

To find the value of m, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

We can do this by subtracting 22 from both sides:

22 + m - 22 = 65 - 22

Simplifying, we get:

m = 43

Therefore, Mai's score is 43.