Heather is solving an equation by graphing the expressions on either side of the equal signs. If the graph intersects at an infinite number of points, which statement could describe the equation Heather is attempting to solve?

Answer: Heather is attempting to solve a systems of equation by graphing.

Step-by-step explanation: If the graph has intersecting lines but has Infinite Many Solutions then that is a Consistent Dependen

Hope that helps!

If the graph of the expressions on either side of the equal signs intersects at an infinite number of points, it means that the two expressions are equivalent, or in other words, they represent the same equation. Therefore, the statement that could describe the equation Heather is attempting to solve is "The equation is an identity."

If the graph intersects at an infinite number of points, it means that the two expressions on either side of the equal sign are equivalent, or represent the same thing. This suggests that Heather is attempting to solve an equation that is true for all values of the variable, or an identity equation. An identity equation is an equation that holds true for any value of the variable. It does not have a specific solution, as it is always true. Therefore, the statement that could describe the equation Heather is attempting to solve is: "The equation is an identity equation that holds true for all values of the variable."