if a pee pee and a poo poo poo than pee = poo/1/pee




The expression you have given, "pee = poo/1/pee," is not very clear. It seems to involve division and some repetition of the words "pee" and "poo." However, I will attempt to break it down and help you understand the comparison you're trying to make.

If we simplify the expression, we have "pee = poo / 1 / pee." Division is typically an operation performed between two values, so let's assume "poo / 1" represents the division of "poo" by the number 1. In mathematics, any number divided by 1 is equal to the original number. Therefore, "poo / 1" is just "poo."

Now, we have "pee = poo." It appears you are trying to compare "pee" and "poo" by saying that they are equal. However, it's important to note that "pee" and "poo" are colloquial terms for urine and feces, respectively, and they cannot be mathematically equated in the way you've described.

It's always important to use proper mathematical language and symbols when expressing equations or comparisons. If you have a specific question about mathematics or any other topic, please provide more context, and I'll be happy to assist you.

no why does this actually make sense