BOB wants to show how the force of gravity can move a book. Which of the following would best show how gravity can move a book?

A. turning a book over

B. reading the book

C. Dropping the book onto the floor

D. sliding a book across a table

The correct answer is C. Dropping the book onto the floor.

To understand why dropping a book onto the floor best shows how gravity can move a book, we need to understand the idea of gravity and how it works. Gravity is the natural force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. In the case of the book, dropping it from a height allows us to observe the effects of gravity in action.

By releasing the book and letting it fall, we are allowing gravity to exert its force on the book. As the book is attracted towards the center of the Earth due to gravity, it accelerates downward. The force of gravity acts on the book, causing it to move downwards until it reaches the floor.

In contrast, the other options, such as turning a book over, reading the book, or sliding it across a table, do not showcase the role of gravity in moving the book. These actions involve other forces like hand motion, friction, or manipulating the book, rather than relying solely on gravity. Therefore, C. Dropping the book onto the floor is the most suitable choice to demonstrate the role of gravity in moving the book.