An airplane is flying at an altitude of 36,000 feet when it begins it's descent for landing. Twelve minutes into its descent, its at 29,400 feet. Find the rate of change in altitude?

(29400-36000)/12 ft/min

To find the rate of change in altitude, we need to determine the change in altitude over the given time period.

The initial altitude of the airplane is 36,000 feet, and after 12 minutes, it is at 29,400 feet. Therefore, the change in altitude is:

36,000 ft - 29,400 ft = 6,600 ft

Since the time period is given in minutes, we can calculate the rate of change in altitude by dividing the change in altitude by the time period:

Rate of change = Change in altitude / Time period

Rate of change = 6,600 ft / 12 minutes

Simplifying this division:

Rate of change = 550 ft/minute

Therefore, the rate of change in altitude is 550 feet per minute.

To find the rate of change in altitude, you need to determine the difference in altitude over the given time interval. In this case, the airplane descended from 36,000 feet to 29,400 feet in 12 minutes.

To find the difference in altitude, subtract the initial altitude from the final altitude:
Difference in altitude = Final altitude - Initial altitude

Difference in altitude = 29,400 feet - 36,000 feet
Difference in altitude = -6,600 feet

The negative sign indicates that the altitude decreased.

To find the rate of change in altitude, divide the difference in altitude by the time interval:
Rate of change in altitude = Difference in altitude / Time interval

Rate of change in altitude = -6,600 feet / 12 minutes
Rate of change in altitude = -550 feet per minute

Therefore, the rate of change in altitude is -550 feet per minute, indicating that the airplane is descending at a rate of 550 feet per minute.