On a roulette wheel, half of the slots numbered 1 through 36 are red and half are black. Two slots numbered 0 and 00, are green.What are the odds against a ball landing in a red slot on any spin of the wheel?

with 0 and 00 , there are 38 slots

18 red , 20 not red

odds against red ... 20:18 = 10:9


Hey it's me again the only thing I forgot to mention is that I know that half of the slots that are red is 18/36 because 18 is half of 36 so the answer will be 3/6=1/2. The final answer will be 1/2 right or am I wrong? Please don't ignore me!!! :(

To calculate the odds against a ball landing in a red slot on a roulette wheel, we need to determine the number of red slots and the total number of slots on the wheel.

The number of red slots on the wheel is half of the total number of slots numbered 1 through 36, which is (1/2) * 36 = 18.

The total number of slots on the wheel includes the 18 red slots, 18 black slots, and the two green slots numbered 0 and 00. Hence, the total number of slots is 18 + 18 + 2 = 38.

Now, to find the odds against a ball landing in a red slot, we can use the following formula:

Odds against = Number of unfavorable outcomes / Number of favorable outcomes

In this case, the unfavorable outcomes represent the slots that are not red, i.e., the black and green slots, which total 18 + 2 = 20.

Therefore, the odds against a ball landing in a red slot on any spin of the wheel are:

Odds against = 20 / 18 = 10 / 9

So, the odds against a ball landing in a red slot on any spin of the wheel are 10 to 9.