An Age Problem: Unravel this riddling question.

When first the marriage knot was tied
Between my wife and me,
My age was to that of my bride
As three times three to three.
But now, when ten and half ten years
We man and wife have been,
Her age to mine exactly bears
As eight is to sixteen.
Now tell, I pray, from what I’ve said,
What were our ages when we wed?

2. What is it that everyone thinks of in telling a riddle, and everyone thinks of when hearing it?

3. Why is shoe polish like a newspaper editor?

4. How can a religious person make her or his money go a long way?

5. What advantage does a postage stamp have over a dog owner?

6. When is a cigar like dried beef?

7. In the year 1894, if all of the American presidents would have been able to stand in a row, how far would they have reached?


1. To solve this riddle about ages, we can break it down into two equations. Let's denote "my age" as M and "my bride's age" as B.

From the first stanza of the riddle, we are given that:
M/B = (3^2)/(3) = 9/3 = 3

In the second stanza, after "ten and half ten years" (or 15 years), the ratio of their ages becomes:
B/M = 8/16 = 1/2

To find their ages when they got married, we need to solve these two equations simultaneously.

From the first equation, we know M = 3B. We can substitute this into the second equation:
B/(3B) = 1/2
1 = 3B/2
2 = 3B
B = 2/3

So, the bride's age when they got married was 2/3, and since M = 3B, the groom's age would be 2.

Therefore, their ages when they wed were 2 and 2/3 respectively.

2. The answer to this riddle is "a secret." When people tell a riddle, they often have a hidden answer in mind that they don't reveal immediately. When people hear a riddle, they try to figure out the secret answer.

3. Shoe polish is like a newspaper editor because both "cover up mistakes." Shoe polish is used to hide scuffs and imperfections on shoes, just as a newspaper editor might "polish" a story or edit out errors before publishing it.

4. A religious person can make their money go a long way by practicing frugality and being mindful of their spending. They may prioritize giving to charitable causes and live a simple lifestyle, avoiding unnecessary expenses. By being responsible with their money and focusing on their values, they can stretch their resources and prioritize spiritual fulfillment over material desires.

5. A postage stamp has the advantage of being able to stick to its task, while a dog owner may have a harder time keeping their dog under control. A postage stamp can adhere securely to an envelope, ensuring it reaches its intended destination. On the other hand, a dog owner may struggle to train their dog to stay disciplined and obey commands, making it more challenging to keep the dog in check.

6. A cigar is like dried beef when it is smoked or "jerked." "Jerking" is a method of preserving meat by drying and smoking it. So, when a cigar is smoked, it resembles the appearance and texture of dried beef.

7. In the year 1894, there were 23 American presidents who had served since the nation's founding. If they were able to stand in a row, they would only reach a distance of 23 people, regardless of their physical height. The riddle is using a wordplay on the term "reach" to refer to the number of presidents standing in a row rather than their physical reach or height.