Izzy draws a diagonal in a rhombus to form two triangles. What term can she use to classify each triangle?

recall that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular, so ...

To classify each triangle that is formed when Izzy draws a diagonal in a rhombus, she can use the term "scalene triangle".

Here's how to arrive at this answer:

Step 1: Understand the problem
First, let's clarify the terms being used. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length. A diagonal is a line segment connecting two non-adjacent vertices in a polygon. In this case, Izzy draws a diagonal in the rhombus, dividing it into two triangles.

Step 2: Identify the characteristics
Now, let's analyze the characteristics of the triangles formed. In a rhombus, all four sides are equal, and the opposite angles are congruent. When Izzy draws a diagonal, it intersects the rhombus, splitting it into two parts. Each part now forms a triangle.

Step 3: Analyze the triangles
Since the sides of a rhombus are all equal, the diagonal divides the rhombus into two triangles with at least one side of different length. In other words, the sides of the triangles will not have equal lengths. Therefore, the triangles formed by the diagonal in a rhombus are classified as "scalene triangles".

In summary, the term Izzy can use to classify each triangle formed when she draws a diagonal in a rhombus is "scalene triangle."