Sheldon is baking 2-inch cookies. He has 3 trays that are the same size. On one tray, he makes 5 rows with 4 cookies in each row. He cannot fit any more cookies on the tray. He fills the second tray completely and only part of the third tray. How many cookies could Sheldon have made?

2*20+1 to 3*20-1

41 to 59



To determine the number of cookies Sheldon could have made, we need to calculate the total number of cookies that can fit on each tray and then add them up.

On the first tray, Sheldon makes 5 rows with 4 cookies in each row, giving us 5 x 4 = 20 cookies on the first tray.

On the second tray, he fills it completely. Since it's the same size as the first tray, we can assume it can fit the same number of cookies, which is also 20 cookies.

On the third tray, Sheldon fills only part of it. We don't know exactly how many cookies he fit, but we know it's less than a full tray. Let's assume he could fit x cookies on the third tray.

Adding up the number of cookies on each tray, we have:

20 cookies (first tray) + 20 cookies (second tray) + x cookies (third tray) = Total number of cookies Sheldon could have made.

Therefore, the total number of cookies Sheldon could have made is 40 + x.