Rupa is picking strawberries. For every 5 strawberries she puts in her basket, she eats 2. If she picks 21 strawberries, how many does she eat and how many does she put in her basket?


5/2 = 15/6

She at 8 strawberries and put 13 in the basket. Hope this helps!:)


To determine how many strawberries Rupa eats and puts in her basket, we can divide the number of strawberries she picks by the total number of strawberries she eats and puts in her basket.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, we need to find out the total number of strawberries that Rupa picks. According to the information given, Rupa picks 21 strawberries.

2. Next, we need to calculate the number of strawberries she eats for every 5 strawberries she puts in her basket. From the information given, for every 5 strawberries she puts in her basket, she eats 2. We can simplify this ratio to 2 strawberries eaten for every 5 strawberries put in the basket.

3. To find the total number of strawberries Rupa eats, we can set up a proportion. Since 2 strawberries are eaten for every 5 put in the basket, we can write the proportion as:
(Number of strawberries eaten) / (Number of strawberries put in the basket) = 2/5

Let's call the number of strawberries put in the basket 'x'. So, the proportion becomes:
Number of strawberries eaten / x = 2/5

We can cross multiply:
(Number of strawberries eaten) * 5 = 2 * x

Simplifying the equation:
5 * (Number of strawberries eaten) = 2 * x

4. Now we can substitute the value we know. We found in step 1 that Rupa picked 21 strawberries. Let's substitute this value into the equation:
5 * (Number of strawberries eaten) = 2 * 21

5 * (Number of strawberries eaten) = 42

5. Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to find the number of strawberries eaten:
(Number of strawberries eaten) = 42 / 5

This gives us:
(Number of strawberries eaten) = 8.4

Since we can't have a fractional number of strawberries eaten, we know that Rupa ate 8 strawberries.

6. Finally, to find the number of strawberries she puts in her basket, we subtract the number of strawberries she eats from the total number of strawberries picked:
Number of strawberries put in the basket = Total number of strawberries picked - Number of strawberries eaten
Number of strawberries put in the basket = 21 - 8

This gives us:
Number of strawberries put in the basket = 13

Therefore, Rupa ate 8 strawberries and put 13 strawberries in her basket.