The sum of 10 times a number and fifteen is added to eleven times the same number.

10n + 15 + 11n

The sum of eleven times a number and fourteen is 36. Find the number.

Let's break down the given information step-by-step:

Step 1: Let's assume the number as x.

Step 2: 10 times the number is 10x.

Step 3: The sum of 10 times the number and fifteen is 10x + 15.

Step 4: Eleven times the number is 11x.

Step 5: The given expression can be written as (10x + 15) + 11x.

Step 6: Simplifying the expression, we get 21x + 15.

So, the sum of 10 times the number and fifteen added to eleven times the same number is 21x + 15.

To solve this problem, we need to break it down into steps. Let's assume the number is represented by x.

Step 1: Multiply the number by 10: 10 * x

Step 2: Add fifteen to the result of step 1: 10 * x + 15

Step 3: Multiply the number by 11: 11 * x

Step 4: Add the result of step 2 to the result of step 3: 10 * x + 15 + 11 * x

Now we have the expression for the sum of 10 times a number and fifteen, added to eleven times the same number: 10 * x + 15 + 11 * x.

This expression gives the sum of the two quantities. To simplify it further, we can combine like terms by adding the coefficients of x:

10 * x + 11 * x = (10 + 11) * x = 21 * x

So the final expression becomes: 21 * x + 15.

Therefore, the sum of 10 times a number and fifteen, added to eleven times the same number, is represented by the expression 21 * x + 15.