What is feedback?

Correct answer: A way in which part of a system’s output enters back into the system as input

To find the correct answer to the question, "What is feedback?" you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the concept of a system. In general, a system refers to a set of interconnected components or parts that work together to achieve a specific goal or function.

2. Next, consider the idea of input and output in a system. Input refers to the information, signals, or data that enters the system, while output refers to the result or outcome produced by the system.

3. Feedback occurs when a portion of the system's output is redirected back into the system as input. In other words, it is a process by which the output of a system is used to modify or adjust the system itself.

4. Feedback is essential in various fields, including engineering, biology, psychology, and economics, as it helps regulate and control the behavior of a system. It allows the system to self-correct, maintain stability, or achieve a desired state or goal.

In summary, feedback is the mechanism through which part of a system's output is returned back as input to the system. This concept is crucial for understanding how systems operate and adapt to changes.