Micelle and the liposome are two structures formed by phospholipids in an aqueous environment. A is an aqueous environment, B is a micelle, C is the hydrophobic portion of the liposome and D is the Aqueous media of the liposome.

For each different molecule below, indicate if it would be found in region A, B, C, or D. You may use each letter more than once.
1. glucose (C6H12O6)_____.
2. benzene (C6H6)____.
3. hexane (C6H14) ____.

Answers: 1. A, 2. D, 3. B & C

To determine where each molecule would be found in the given structures, we need to understand the properties of micelles and liposomes formed by phospholipids.

1. Glucose (C6H12O6): Glucose is a hydrophilic molecule, meaning it has an affinity for water. In this case, it would be found in the aqueous environment (region A). So the answer is A.

2. Benzene (C6H6): Benzene is a hydrophobic molecule, meaning it has a low affinity for water. In micelles and liposomes, hydrophobic molecules like benzene are typically located in the inner core or hydrophobic region. Therefore, it would be found in the hydrophobic portion of the liposome (region C) as well as the aqueous media of the liposome (region D). So the answer is C and D.

3. Hexane (C6H14): Similar to benzene, hexane is also a hydrophobic molecule and would be found in the hydrophobic portion of the liposome (region C) as well as the aqueous media of the liposome (region D). So the answer is B and C.

In summary:
1. Glucose (C6H12O6) - A
2. Benzene (C6H6) - C and D
3. Hexane (C6H14) - B and C