Battles – match each battle with its importance and locate battle on map

1. ____ Fort Sumter
2. ____ 1st Bull Run
3. ____ Battle of Shiloh
4. ____ 2nd Bull Run
5. ____ Battle of Antietam
6. ____ Vicksburg
7. ____ Gettysburg
8. ____ Chattanooga
9. ____ Atlanta
10.____ Appomattox Courthouse
a. left Confederates 20 miles outside DC
b. first battle of the Civil War
c. showed that this would not be a quick war
d. Lee surrenders to Grant
e. helps Lincoln win re-election
f. cuts confederacy in two
g. bloodiest battle in 1862, helps North secure the West
h. Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation
i. after Confederacy never invades North again
j. helps Union get control of Confederate RR

To match each battle with its importance and locate it on a map, we can first understand the significance of each battle by looking at the provided information:

1. Fort Sumter: Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation
2. 1st Bull Run: First battle of the Civil War
3. Battle of Shiloh: Bloodiest battle in 1862, helps North secure the West
4. 2nd Bull Run: After Confederacy never invades North again
5. Battle of Antietam: Helps Union get control of Confederate RR
6. Vicksburg: Cuts Confederacy in two
7. Gettysburg: Bloodiest battle in 1863, helps Lincoln win re-election
8. Chattanooga: Left Confederates 20 miles outside DC
9. Atlanta: Showed that this would not be a quick war
10. Appomattox Courthouse: Lee surrenders to Grant

Now, let's locate each battle on a map:

1. Fort Sumter: Fort Sumter is located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. It is a fortified island at the entrance to Charleston Harbor.

2. 1st Bull Run: The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as First Manassas, took place near Manassas, Virginia, approximately 30 miles southwest of Washington, D.C.

3. Battle of Shiloh: The Battle of Shiloh occurred in southwestern Tennessee, near the Tennessee River, close to the border with Mississippi.

4. 2nd Bull Run: The Second Battle of Bull Run, also known as Second Manassas, took place in Prince William County, Virginia, near Manassas, and further west than the first battle.

5. Battle of Antietam: The Battle of Antietam took place near Sharpsburg, Maryland, along Antietam Creek, close to the border with West Virginia.

6. Vicksburg: Vicksburg is a city located in western Mississippi, on the east bank of the Mississippi River. The Battle of Vicksburg took place in and around the city.

7. Gettysburg: Gettysburg is a town located in southern Pennsylvania, near the Maryland border. The Battle of Gettysburg took place in and around the town.

8. Chattanooga: Chattanooga is a city located in southeastern Tennessee, near the border with Georgia. The Battle of Chattanooga took place in and around the city.

9. Atlanta: Atlanta is a major city in Georgia. The Battle of Atlanta took place south of the city.

10. Appomattox Courthouse: The Appomattox Court House is located in Appomattox County, Virginia. It is a small village near the Appomattox River where General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the Civil War.

This information should help you match each battle with its importance and locate them on a map.