four friends share 3 1/2 pizzas so that everyone gets an equal amount with none left over. how many pieces does each friend get?

(3 1/2) / 4 = 7/8 ... that's everyone's portion ... 7/8 of a pizza

7 pieces of an 8-slice pizza

To find out how many pieces each friend gets when four friends share 3 1/2 pizzas equally, you need to divide the total number of pieces by the number of friends.

Step 1: Determine the number of pieces in 3 1/2 pizzas. Since a whole pizza typically has 8 slices, we can calculate the number of pieces as follows:

3 1/2 pizzas = 3 * 8 slices + 1/2 * 8 slices = 24 + 4 = 28 slices

Step 2: Divide the total number of slices by the number of friends. In this case, since there are four friends:

28 slices / 4 friends = 7 slices

Therefore, each friend would get 7 slices of pizza.