Spongebob gave Patrick 1/2 of his jujubes. Patrick ate 1/2 of the jujubes and gave the rest to Krusty Krabs. Krusty Krabs kept 8 of the jujubes and gave the last 10 to Squidward.How many jujubes did Squidward eat?

Krusty got 1/4 of the jujubes.

1/4 x - 8 = 10
now finish it off

Good answer


To find out how many jujubes Squidward ate, we need to break down the problem step by step.

Step 1: Spongebob gave Patrick 1/2 of his jujubes.
Let's assume Spongebob had X number of jujubes. Spongebob gave Patrick 1/2 of X, which is X/2.

Step 2: Patrick ate 1/2 of the jujubes he received.
Patrick received X/2 jujubes from Spongebob, and he ate 1/2 of them. So, Patrick ate (1/2) * (X/2) = X/4 jujubes.

Step 3: Patrick gave the rest to Krusty Krabs.
After eating X/4 jujubes, Patrick gave the remaining jujubes to Krusty Krabs. So, Krusty Krabs received (X/2) - (X/4) = X/4 jujubes.

Step 4: Krusty Krabs kept 8 of the jujubes.
From the jujubes received, Krusty Krabs kept 8, so the remaining jujubes are (X/4) - 8.

Step 5: Krusty Krabs gave the last 10 to Squidward.
Finally, out of the remaining jujubes, Krusty Krabs gave 10 to Squidward. So, Squidward received (X/4) - 10 jujubes.

Therefore, Squidward ate (X/4) - 10 jujubes.
Please note that we don't have the value of X, so we can't determine the exact number of jujubes Squidward ate without that information.