Ms. Wilmeth bought 4 bags of candies. Each bag contained 8 candies. She put an equal number of these candies into each of 9 gift boxes.

How many candies were left over?




Number of candy left = 5

Step-by-step explanation:


Number of bags = 4

Number of candies in each bag = 8

Number of Gift boxes = 9


Number of candy left = ?


Total number of candies = Number of bags × Number of candies in each bag

Total number of candies = 4 × 8

Total number of candies = 32

According to Euclid division lemma:

a = bq +r

32 = (3)(9) + Remainder

32 = 27 + Remainder

Remainder = 5

Number of candy left = 5

It’s D have a nice day

4*8/9 = 3R5

we all don't know the answer so we stay here for some genius to give us the answer.

I got 5!

its d|j have a nice day

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whats the answer

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