Which sentence best illustrates the theme of courage?

To determine which sentence best illustrates the theme of courage, we can analyze the content of the sentences and identify the one that expresses bravery, overcoming fear, or taking risks. Here are a few example sentences that you can consider:

1. "Despite her fear, Jane stood up to the bullies and defended her friend."
2. "Tom's courageous act of rescuing the drowning child inspired others to face their fears."
3. "After the earthquake, the community showed immense courage by rebuilding their homes and lives."

By examining these sentences, we can discern that sentence 1 demonstrates courage as it depicts an individual conquering their fears and standing up to adversaries. It exemplifies bravery in the face of adversity, making it the best choice to illustrate the theme of courage.

A sentence that best illustrates the theme of courage is: "Despite his fear, John mustered the courage to stand up to the bullies and defend his friend."