A ferris wheel is drawn on a coordinate plane so that the first car is located at the point ​(50​,0​). What are the coordinates of the first car after a rotation of 270 counterclockwise about the​ origin?

first car on +x axis

after 270 which is 3*90 it is on -y axis
so (0, -50)
DRAW IT !!!!!

To find the new coordinates after a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin, you need to apply the rotation transformation to the given point (50, 0).

The rotation transformation involves rotating a point counterclockwise about the origin by a certain angle. In this case, we rotate 270 degrees counterclockwise.

To perform this rotation, you can use the following formulas:

New x-coordinate = x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle)
New y-coordinate = x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)

In our case, the given point is (50, 0), and the angle of rotation is 270 degrees.

Applying the formulas, we get:

New x-coordinate = 50 * cos(270) - 0 * sin(270) = 0
New y-coordinate = 50 * sin(270) + 0 * cos(270) = -50

Therefore, after a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin, the coordinates of the first car would be (0, -50).