A school of fish swim towards the surface of the water.

Which of the following best describes how rhythm and movement were created in this image?

Having repetitive geometric shapes only across the image creates a feeling of movement.

Using contrasting colors throughout the image creates a feeling of movement.

The repetitive shape of the fish creates a sense of movement from bottom to top
Having the sun in the background creates a feeling of movement.

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To determine the best option that describes how rhythm and movement were created in the image, we need to analyze the given options.

Option A suggests that having repetitive geometric shapes only across the image creates a feeling of movement. However, the image does not exhibit repetitive geometric shapes throughout.

Option B suggests that using contrasting colors throughout the image creates a feeling of movement. While contrasting colors can contribute to visual interest, they do not inherently create a sense of movement.

Option C proposes that the repetitive shape of the fish creates a sense of movement from bottom to top. This option seems likely as it specifically mentions the fish, which are the central subject of the image, and describes their movement towards the surface.

Option D suggests that having the sun in the background creates a feeling of movement. Although the sun can provide a sense of visual movement, it is not directly related to the fish swimming towards the surface.

Based on the analysis, the best option that accurately describes how rhythm and movement were created in the image is C. The repetitive shape of the fish creates a sense of movement from bottom to top.

I would prefer it if you were to give all the answers <3