a pizza shop offers a coupon for 30% off the price of a large pizza every tuesday night if the ruglar price is $25 what is the final price after the coupon

"ruglar" ??? sheesh!

30% off means you pay 70%
0.70 * 25 = ____


To calculate the final price after applying the coupon, you need to find 30% of the regular price and subtract that from the regular price.

Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Calculate 30% of $25: To find 30% of a number, you can multiply the number by 0.3. In this case, 30% of $25 would be $25 x 0.3 = $7.50.

2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price: Subtract $7.50 from $25. $25 - $7.50 = $17.50.

Therefore, with the 30% off coupon, the final price of the large pizza would be $17.50.