Select the correct preterite conjugation

Maya y Miguel llegan al aeropuerto
B. llegaste
D. llega


For this question your answer will be in the past tense. Ellos _______.
I will be glad to review your response.

llegar is a regular verb, so it follows the pattern of all regular -ar verbs.

3rd person plural is ____

To determine the correct preterite conjugation for the sentence "Maya y Miguel llegan al aeropuerto" (Maya and Miguel arrived at the airport), we need to identify the subject of the sentence and the tense being used.

In this case, the subject is "Maya y Miguel" (Maya and Miguel), which is a third-person plural pronoun. We also know that the verb "llegar" (to arrive) is being used in the past tense.

Now, let's look at each option:
A. llegaron - This is the correct preterite conjugation for the subject "Maya y Miguel" in the past tense.
B. llegaste - This is the preterite conjugation for the second-person singular pronoun "tú" (you) in the past tense, but it does not correspond to the subject in the sentence.
C. llego - This is the present tense conjugation for the third-person singular pronoun "él/ella" (he/she), and it does not match the subject or tense in the sentence.
D. llega - This is the present tense conjugation for the third-person singular pronoun "él/ella" (he/she), and it does not match the subject or tense in the sentence.

Therefore, the correct preterite conjugation is A. llegaron.