The sum of a number times 6 and 24 is at most -25

n * 6 + 24 </= -25

6 n </= -49
n </= -49/6

6 n + 24 ≤ -25

To solve this problem, we need to create an inequality equation and find the range of values for the number. Let's call the number "x".

The sum of a number times 6 and 24 can be expressed as "6x + 24".

According to the problem, this sum is at most -25. So we can write the inequality as:

6x + 24 ≤ -25

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable "x". Let's start by subtracting 24 from both sides of the inequality:

6x + 24 - 24 ≤ -25 - 24
6x ≤ -49

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by 6 to isolate "x":

(6x)/6 ≤ (-49)/6
x ≤ -49/6

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ -49/6.

In summary, the range of values for the number "x" is any value less than or equal to -49/6.