3/4 of girls in SSS 1 play basketball,4/7 play volleyball,every girls play at least one game.if 27 play both,how many girls are in the class


Step-by-step explanation:
1/4 of class don't play basketball but do play volleyball
so 9/28 of class play both since 4/7 - 1/4 = 9/28
9/28 of class = 27
1/28 of class = 3
class = 3*28


Yes that is correct


Look like a pregnant cat eyes and l will give me anything else except Allhah bless you sir I will be home in d minor and you can do anything else except the time is right

To find out how many girls are in the class, we need to calculate the total number of girls who play basketball, the total number of girls who play volleyball, and add them together.

Let's break down the given information:

- 3/4 of girls play basketball: This means that 3/4 of the total number of girls play basketball.
- 4/7 of girls play volleyball: This means that 4/7 of the total number of girls play volleyball.
- Every girl plays at least one game: This implies that there are no girls in the class who do not play basketball or volleyball.
- 27 girls play both basketball and volleyball.

Let's assign variables to make it easier to solve the problem:
- Let's say the total number of girls in the class is 'x'.
- The number of girls who play basketball is 3/4 of 'x', which is (3/4)x.
- The number of girls who play volleyball is 4/7 of 'x', which is (4/7)x.

According to the given information:
- The number of girls who play both basketball and volleyball is 27.

To find the answer, we need to sum up the number of girls who play basketball and volleyball, subtracting the number of girls who play both basketball and volleyball:

((3/4)x + (4/7)x) - 27 = x

To solve this equation, we can start by simplifying it:

(21/28)x + (16/28)x - 27 = x
(37/28)x - 27 = x

To isolate 'x', let's move 'x' to the left side of the equation:

(37/28)x - x = 27
(37/28 - 28/28)x = 27
(9/28)x = 27

To solve for 'x', we need to divide both sides of the equation by (9/28):

x = 27 / (9/28)
x = 27 * (28/9)
x = 84

Therefore, there are 84 girls in the class.