A housepainter mixed 5 gal of blue paint with every 9 gal of yellow paint in order to make a green paint. Which ratio of gallons of blue paint to gallons of yellow paint will make the same shade of green paint?


5x : 9x

pick any value of x you want

To find the ratio of gallons of blue paint to gallons of yellow paint that will make the same shade of green paint, we need to understand the proportions used in the original mixture.

In the original mixture, the housepainter mixed 5 gallons of blue paint with every 9 gallons of yellow paint. This means that the ratio of blue to yellow paint is 5:9.

To maintain the same shade of green paint, we need to keep the proportion of blue to yellow paint the same. So, the ratio of blue to yellow paint that will make the same shade of green paint is also 5:9.

Therefore, if you mix 5 gallons of blue paint with every 9 gallons of yellow paint, you will achieve the same shade of green paint.