Mrs lim buys 60 eggs which cost $7. There are 2 types of eggs.. type A and type B. How many each types of egg has she bought

Ans=type a=40
Type b=20

Plz I just don't want the answer I want the explanation also.. Please answer

hard to say how that answer was obtained. I guess they solved

40a+20b = 700
and had to come up with possible costs for each type. You did not provide any such information.
A eggs cost 12 cents each
B eggs cost 11 cents each
I started out considering that if they all cost 10 cents each, that would come to $6.00
The extra 100 cents could be made up with 40*2 + 20
Of course, there are other possibilities, such as A=11 and B=13

Sure! Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Mrs. Lim buys 60 eggs in total.
2. The cost of these 60 eggs is $7.
3. Let's assume Mrs. Lim bought type A eggs and type B eggs.
4. We need to find the number of each type of eggs she bought.

Now, let's solve the problem:

Let's assume Mrs. Lim bought x type A eggs and y type B eggs.

According to the problem, the total number of eggs she bought is 60. Therefore, we can write an equation based on the sum of type A and type B eggs:

x + y = 60 ----(1)

According to the problem, the cost of these 60 eggs is $7. Let's assume the cost of type A eggs is a and the cost of type B eggs is b.

The cost of type A eggs multiplied by the quantity of type A eggs bought plus the cost of type B eggs multiplied by the quantity of type B eggs bought should be equal to $7. We can write another equation based on this:

a*x + b*y = 7 ----(2)

We have two equations, (1) and (2), and we need to solve them simultaneously.

Since the cost of type A eggs and type B eggs is not given, we cannot solve the equations exactly. However, there are infinite solutions for x and y that satisfy these equations.

One possible solution is x = 40 (type A eggs) and y = 20 (type B eggs). This means that Mrs. Lim bought 40 type A eggs and 20 type B eggs.

Remember, this is just one possible solution. There may be other combinations of type A and type B eggs that satisfy the given equations.

To determine how many of each type of egg Mrs. Lim bought, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the price of type A eggs is x dollars and the price of type B eggs is y dollars.

From the given information, we know that:
- Mrs. Lim bought a total of 60 eggs.
- The total cost of the eggs is $7.

We can represent this information using the following equations:

Equation 1: Total number of eggs = Number of type A eggs + Number of type B eggs
60 = Number of type A eggs + Number of type B eggs

Equation 2: Total cost of the eggs = (Price of type A eggs * Number of type A eggs) + (Price of type B eggs * Number of type B eggs)
$7 = (x * Number of type A eggs) + (y * Number of type B eggs)

Based on the equations, we can solve for the unknown variables (Number of type A eggs and Number of type B eggs). However, to solve these equations, we need another piece of information, such as the price of one type of egg.

Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the specific values for the Number of type A eggs and Number of type B eggs.