Read the sentences from a student's essay about "the treasure of lemon brown
Greg's father sat endlessly lecturing him on Greg's need to improve his grades. Greg had his mind on other things.
What is the best way to revise the last sentence?
A. Add "consequently," before "Greg"
B. Add "Still," before Greg"
C. Add "Yet," before Greg"
D. Add "However," before "Greg"

I thinks its C
Please help
@Mrs. Sue

It is d!

Hope this helps!

are you sure

@Chuleta v, sadly Ms. Sue passed away last year, so most unfortunately, she cannot help you with this question. I'm sure the other tutors will help you soon, or else another student.

Sarcastic? ME? Never!, is literally from a shirt. How do I know that? My dad has the shirt.

To revise the last sentence, you need to find the option that best connects the second sentence to the first one, indicating a contrast or contradiction. Let's analyze each option:

A. Adding "consequently" before "Greg" would imply that Greg's mind being on other things is a consequence of his father's lecturing. However, this doesn't seem to be the intended meaning.

B. Adding "Still" before "Greg" indicates a continuation or persistence of his mind being on other things. This does not convey a contrast or contradiction with his father lecturing him.

C. Adding "Yet" before "Greg" introduces a contrast between the two sentences, highlighting that despite his father lecturing him, Greg had his mind on other things. This option accurately conveys the intended meaning.

D. Adding "However" before "Greg" also indicates a contrast, but it suggests that Greg's mind being on other things is unexpected or surprising. This might not align with the context of the essay.

So, the best option to revise the last sentence would indeed be C.