What is the least number that can be added to 14639 to make it a perfect square

take square root

round result up to the next whole number

square to find the answer

239 is answer???

To find the least number that can be added to 14639 to make it a perfect square, we need to determine the next perfect square greater than 14639 and subtract 14639 from it.

To do this, we can calculate the square root of 14639 using a calculator or a programming language. The square root of 14639 is approximately 121.

Next, we need to find the next whole number greater than 121, which is 122.

To find the square of 122, we multiply 122 by itself: 122 * 122 = 14884.

Finally, we subtract 14639 from 14884: 14884 - 14639 = 245.

Therefore, the least number that can be added to 14639 to make it a perfect square is 245.