Jennifer has watched 42 minutes of a movie, which is 20% of the movie.

What is the total length in minutes of the movie?

.20x = 42

x = 42*5 = 210 min

im confused on this answer

42*5= 210 minutes

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To find the total length of the movie, we can set up a proportion with the information given. Let's assume the total length of the movie is represented by "x" minutes.

If Jennifer has watched 42 minutes, which is 20% of the movie, we can write the proportion as:

42 / x = 20 / 100

To solve for "x," we can cross-multiply and then divide:

42 * 100 = x * 20

4200 = 20x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20:

4200 / 20 = x

x = 210

Therefore, the total length of the movie is 210 minutes.